Per Pitch
Tick off
Referee reports
Referee List
Printout Central
Print groupplay
Limit certain groups
     For example, 1-5,7,12 provide print groups 1-5 and 7 and 12.
     Note that if you use A, B, C, etc., you still need to use numbers as terms

Print qual/endpos.matches

Print playoff    A     B     C     

No page for every class
Select one or several classes below for printout:
6 records found.     
Class name
Playoff tree
mA mA-Jugend A-slutspel
wA wA-Jugend A-slutspel
mB mB-Jugend A-slutspel
wB wB-Jugend A-slutspel
mC mC-Jugend A-slutspel
wC wC-Jugend A-slutspel