Referee Application Handball Days Lübeck 2025

The Handball Days are the second largest handball tournament in the world. In addition to a large number of coaches and players, referees are of course also an important part of the tournament. Referees from many countries have been visiting us for many years.

Are you a referee and would you like to play an important role at the Handball Days Lübeck?

Then contact us and become part of a great team.

Key data:
- The tournament will take place from Friday, June 27th to Sunday, June 29th, 2025 at several tournament locations in Lübeck.
- Arrival on Friday by 5 p.m. (later arrival possible)
- Departure on Sunday at around 4:30 p.m. after the finals

We offer you:
- Accommodation in classrooms in the immediate vicinity of the Lohmühle
- Free catering (food and drinks) throughout the tournament
- At least €4 expense allowance per refereed game and referee (also in a team)
- Referee shirt (official Handball Days T-shirt)
- Referee extra (there is a surprise every year)
- Joint evening events (disco, legendary referee evening with free drinks, ...)
- Personal Contact Person for foreign referees

Please note that unfortunately we cannot reimburse travel costs/train tickets.

This is what you need:
You need a valid referee license in the area of the IHF, your highest national association or a subordinate association or district (e.g. a district handball association). You will also need your own referee gear (jersey, whistle, etc.) and sleeping gear (sleeping mat, sleeping bag, etc.).

Registrations will be accepted until April 30, 2025.

To register as a referee, simply use the following registration form and then click on 'Send application'.

You will then receive a confirmation email with a login code for the MyRef Portal. After logging in you can change the data you have entered or revoke your participation.

Please note that your registration must first be checked and registration on this page alone does not constitute confirmation of participation! We ask for your understanding that we cannot accommodate every registration due to the number of registrations. You will receive another email with a confirmation as soon as your participation has been verified. If you need it, you will receive an official invitation letter from us to apply for a visa at the embassy.

Important: The sender of the emails is PROCUP. If necessary, also check your SPAM folder if the emails do not delivered.

Do you have any further questions? Please get in touch:

Contact Information

Enter your contact information below.
When you click 'Send Application' a confirmation will be sent to your specified emailaddress.
You will also receive login information to MyRef in a separetely mail.

Bank Information

Enter your bank account details for fast payout after the tournamet has finished.
If you don't have the information available, you can also enter it later on thru login to MyRef

Choose referee partner

Use CTRL + Click to select several partners

Referee shirt
Comments and feedback

Choose when you can referee.
This can be updated through . MyRef

Date Yes No
Fri 27/6
Sat 28/6
Sun 29/6